Cheering on Georgia at the SEC championship game!

Rose, me, Kelli and Holly---a few of my dear, sweet friends!

Date night! Love Ben in a tuxedo! :)
This is my favorite time of year. I just love the anticipation of Christmas and the joy that it brings in our lives. This past weekend was such a fun, memorable weekend starting off with a Holiday Party and ending with dinner with some of our best friends.
Friday night Ben and I were presented as new members in Gadsden's Holiday Club. This is one of the many dance clubs in town. Prior to the party, we ate dinner at the Country Club with some of our friends. Gigi babysat all four kids Jack, Max, Lilly and Brody and as soon as Lilly walked in Max immediately began saying "Lilly, Lilly, Lilly!" It was so precious that he was so happy she was there!
On Saturday morning we headed to Atlanta for the SEC championship. Georgia played really well in the first half, but LSU turned it on in the 3rd quarter and Georgia just couldn't keep it together. Either way, this has been such a great season for Georgia and Ben and I got to go to many games this year. Thank you Gigi for literally keeping the boys ALL DAY so Ben and I could go!
Sunday we went to church and took the boys to eat at Gadsden's new Zaxby's...I know most towns have had these for a long time, but we are excited that we have one now. After lunch, Holly and I went to a shower for a friend of ours Claire who is getting married next June 2012. It was a beautiful day and the hostesses served four different kinds of cakes which I thought was such a neat idea. That evening we all had dinner together which is never,ever dull. People look at you a little crazy when you say 4 adults and 4 kids, but that's ok...
Life is just great! Sometimes I stop and pinch myself at how blessed I am to have my two little boys, husband, our families and such special friends in our lives.